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Pregnant woman sitting alone.

Feeling Alone in Your Pregnancy

Being pregnant can be a really exciting and happy time in our lives as women. It can also be a very isolating and lonely feeling as well. If you’re feeling alone in your pregnancy journey, we are here to tell you that you are not as alone as you may think.

There are so many changes happening to a woman as her body, mind, and soul prepares to become a mother and deliver a child. Whether it’s your first or fifth time pregnant, it can still feel like a lonely place to be. There are many changes taking place during this time that others in your support network may not be able to relate to, which can feel more isolating.

Common causes of feeling lonely in pregnancy can look like:

  • Not many people knowing you are pregnant
  • Minimal support from people who have also been or currently are pregnant
  • Being estranged from family/friends
  • Not living close to your support network
  • Experiencing complications or having a high-risk pregnancy
  • Feeling unable to connect with your partner about what you are going through
  • A decrease in desire, energy, or motivation to do things you previously enjoyed doing (going out with friends or catching a late movie)
  • Having difficulty finding like-minded individuals in similar life phases as yourself
  • Not experiencing similar thoughts, feelings, or symptoms that other pregnant people report
  • Wanting a birth plan and experience different than your family, friends, or doctors think you should do

While you may be feeling alone on this journey, so many women have and currently do feel lonely as well. If you are feeling down, isolated, disconnected from others, or sad, you may benefit from the following:

  1. Talk to someone in your support system about how you feel
  2. If you have not already announced your pregnancy, consider confiding in one or two people and sharing this news for support
  3. Join a prenatal yoga and/or birthing class to meet other expecting women
  4. When feeling physically able, continue to socially interact with your friends and attend social events/gatherings
  5. Consider joining an online support group for expecting mothers,
  6. Reach out to a counselor or therapist who specializes in pregnancy and postpartum support

If you are needing space to talk about how you’re feeling and have more support in your life, our trained therapists are here and ready to support you. We specialize in supporting mood in pregnancy and beyond, because you are not alone. Reach out to us today to learn how we can support you during your pregnancy.