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Why Teletherapy?

It’s understandable to ask, why teletherapy? Why have an appointment via telehealth instead of in person? These are really good questions and I’m here to answer them for you.

To start, teletherapy with Psychotherapy for Women is conducted through a HIPPA compliant and secure electronic health record platform. It offers the privacy you would expect at an in person visit, just from the comfort of your environment.

Now that we have clarified teletherapy, let’s talk about the advantages to virtual appointments. Convenience. We are all looking for it to help out our busy lives anyway possible. Telehealth offers individuals the convenience of having their appointments where they feel most comfortable. This can eliminate additional challenges that sometimes cause us to struggle making it to appointments outside of  the home. Telehealth appointments mean you don’t have to contend with traffic, taking hours off of work to get to your appointment and back, and in some instances, aligning childcare. It also has the benefit of increasing your access to support. This convenience can be especially great for individuals who can’t take time off work, have limited childcare, live in more rural settings, or have busy schedules. 

In being fully transparent, I must also talk about the drawbacks. There are certain situations in which teletherapy is not recommended, as it is not a one size fits all approach to treatment. If you are struggling with symptoms that require more frequent support, such as acute symptoms of suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, or paranoia, telehealth is not the most beneficial mode of treatment for you. Also, if you are not safe at home and/or are unable to have privacy to conduct your appointments, seeing a provider in person is most helpful and safe. 

If you are thinking that teletherapy is right for you, I encourage you to give it a try. You may find that it fits into your lifestyle, is easier than in person appointments to attend, and helps you take better care of yourself.